Monday, January 08, 2007

I believe that I am guilty of sacrificing truth in order to defy a sub-culture Christianity that sells Jesus and tells me what's right and wrong. Let me explain.

Have you ever felt like one of those people who, if not now, felt somewhat frustrated when following the masses? I used to be bad with this. I always looked for the opposite of what's "popular" in order to feel somewhat above what everyone else was doing. It's a form of pride that's more visible than others. I have to say that I have been guilty of this elitist mentality even as I have grown closer to the father. I have to admit that its been hard as I have seen a sub-culture christianity taint the gospel and domesticate Jesus. Instead of facing the problem by extracting people from the equation in order to love them and help them find freedom, I gave up on them. I gave up a few years ago after feeling overwhelmed with a few of the situations I was in. There are no excuses. I found the deconstructive movement quite helpful at the time, but there comes a time when enough has been torn apart that you find foundation. Truth.

In my attempts to please my pride, I believe that I sacrificed the truth that may have very well been presented by the christian subculture. I feel like the beauty of our maker is lost in our consuming, self help lives, but truth is truth, wether it's delivery is lacking heart or not. I have put up a fight when truth lacking love is delivered. Instead of being angry and rolling my eyes at the lack of creativity in "christian" music, or distancing myself from people when i find them insincere, i must draw close to them! Who am I to judge the heart of an action? This seems so awful as I write this, I must ask that any reader would forgive my arrogance! There is truth and it leads to a person. Love. Love lends himself to our hearts that we may feel complete!


(im still wrestling with that last equation, so feel free to form your own) Anyhow, I love you and ask your prayers as I learn to live in his precious light.



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