Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Well, its been a little while since I wrote down any thoughts I had been wrestling with. I have felt a desperate need for confession the last few months, partially because my heart has felt so prideful. It is as if I found myself "okay" and safe from the wrath of God. But the main reason was because I was pining away for peace and joy. I promise that when you humble yourself as the word says, you will find that God hears you. I am learning this more these days.

Here is a thought that has been brought to my attention as of late, "redemptive violence". I heard this term recently as a theological point of reference to anything that uses violence (or negative impulse) to bring about a positive change. Evidently, theologians use this phrase to pin point historical events that have used this method. Example: Jonathan's car is stolen, jonathan then finds the theif and steals the theif's car (jonathan some how got really brave). Sounds like eye for an eye. But I think the main point is that we never stop with that. It usually leads to some sort of escalation with an "ill show them not to mess with me". In my personal life, I have seen countless times when I have sought revenge. Even to people who meant no harm. Of course most of my actions have been verbal. But out of the mouth flows all sorts of evil. How about the movies I love, the ones with some epic battle. I feel as if, when not attributed solely to the character of God, I find myself wanting to seek justice in the same light. In my own accord and in my own self-righteous manner. It is then when I compare myself with the Righteous God that I am guilty of the worst pride.

We must learn that as we seek justice, it must not be for our sake but for the One who deserves justice. It is of absolute importance to apply Isaiah 1:17 "learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." or better yet Matthew 25:35-36 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink..." He has said this that we would recognize that he is the only one who has never sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. He is the one we seek justice for, not ourselves.
